What is a cloud workspace?

A cloud workspace is a virtual desktop infrastructure that can be used in one of two common ways. First, some cloud workspaces, such as Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Amazon WorkSpaces, emulate Microsoft Windows or Linux desktops, allowing for these operating systems to be run entirely from cloud services. This means that rather than having to purchase local devices, such as laptops and desktops, organizations can create cloud desktops that can be accessed through a regular internet connection. This can save businesses and organizations on capital expenditures (CAPEX), while allowing for implementation of enhanced security options, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA). This type of cloud workspace also allows for app creation to take place entirely on the cloud and enabling access to the increased computing powers available on cloud platforms to speed up development and deployment.

Secondly, a cloud workspace can also be a unified platform that allows an organization to monitor multiple projects across different accounts, and even different cloud providers, all in one location. A Google Cloud Workspace, for example, can house up to 375 different projects across AWS and Google Cloud services. This enables an organization to quickly gather and monitor their data across multiple projects all from the same space. Rather than having to individually log in to each product to check its status, this type of cloud workspace can quickly gather relevant data and display it in an easy-to-understand manner.

Both types of cloud workspaces can help businesses in multiple ways, including:

  • Reduce costs: Rather than purchasing large amounts of local devices, cloud workspaces allow access to information and programs through the cloud. This means that rather than large CAPEX, organizations can plan and budget for operational expenditures (OPEX).
  • Enhanced security:Cloud services invest heavily in data security, and cloud workspaces are no exception. Most cloud workspace providers offer multi-factor authentication (MFA) options, which make it more difficult for someone to gain unauthorized access to data stored on the cloud. Additionally, everything in a cloud workspace is stored only on the cloud rather than on local devices. This means that the theft of a local device will have much less of an effect on data stored in cloud workspaces.
  • Scalability: As users are added or removed, it is easy for organizations to change the number of digital workspaces in response. Rather than being stuck with physical hardware waiting around for someone to be hired, a digital workspace can be enabled or disabled as needed. Cloud workspaces also allow for programs and software to be easily added or removed and will generally have a nearly unlimited amount of room for data to be added. Costs scale in association with additions and removals, making it easy to manage costs and make changes in response.
  • Enhanced data collection:Cloud workspaces enable easy data collection from a variety of sources. Depending on the services utilized, organizations can track logins, time accessed, and resources utilized across all users and programs. Through either manual or automated analytics, organizations can have a clearer picture of the state of any project they are working on.