What is customer experience transformation?

An experience transformation, also called a customer experience transformation, is a process that redesigns aspects of a product, process, or service around improving customer experiences. An experience transformation takes a large amount of effort, and it is important that organizations undertaking one have a full understanding of what they want, as well as ensuring the complete buy-in of everyone involved. As part of ensuring understanding, extensive research should be done on the customers that will be using the product or service, which includes tracking how the customer journeys through the application or service, and seeing how the customer interacts with every step in the process. By ensuring proper understanding of how customers will interact with and use the product, organizations can discover the best ways to ensure that they deliver great solutions. Oftentimes, an experience transformation effort will be undertaken as part of a larger digital transformation, in order to fully update an organizations platform and take full advantage of everything cloud platforms have to offer.

Digital platforms can allow for greater insights into how customers interact with applications and services hosted on their infrastructure. As part of a transformation journey, they can start gathering customer data as soon as the application or service is made available for use. Typically, the only requirement for gathering this information is to include the information in the terms of service for the platform. After customers click accept, organizations can start gathering, storing, and analyzing data. Because an experience transformation is customer-centric, it is important that organizations have access to data that will provide customer insights. Cloud platforms can easily ingest large amounts of information and can start performing analytics in real time as the data is received. After completing an experience transformation, organizations can ensure that their business model follows similar ideals and can fully utilize these benefits. This allows for quick identification of trends or customer pain points, so that the organization can implement continuous improvement strategies in response. Updates can then be designed and delivered in response to real data in order to surpass customer expectations.

Digital experience transformations can help organizations through:

  • Improved performance: By analyzing the ways customers interact with applications and services, organizations can ensure that their products are designed to meet the clients needs in a manner that is easy to understand and interact with.
  • Easy adaptation: Through the continued tracking and analysis of customer data, organizations can quickly react to trends around utilization in order to ensure that customers have a great experience interacting with their product.
  • Application integration: After moving to the cloud, organizations can allow integrations across their platform and the wider web. This means that they can have integration that allow for customers to post on social media about the product they are using, or they can allow easy access from one product to another on the same website.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: Because a digital experience transformation is designed with the customer in mind, the products and services that are released after the transformation should be built with the same principle in mind. As part of this, organizations should ensure they have implemented usability testing and have easy access to customer feedback. This will allow them to be sure they are creating products that appeal to the targeted clients.